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  • Rising energy prices
    August 25

    Rising energy prices

    It will not have escaped your notice, energy prices have risen enormously. Anyone who has a fixed energy contract can handle it for a while. But those who have to sign a new contract will notice that the price difference is huge compared to last year. The...

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  • Benefit from subsidy for CO2 meters in classrooms
    fevrier 3, 2022

    Benefit from subsidy for CO2 meters in classrooms

    The cabinet has now taken measures in the field of air quality in schools in connection with the corona measures. Where experts previously argued for CO2 meters in indoor spaces, the cabinet has changed its mind regarding schools and offers schools help to...

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  • Reduce the risk of corona infection in catering and gyms thanks to CO2 meter
    January 27, 2022

    Reduce the risk of corona infection in catering and gyms thanks to CO2 meter

    After recently working out in the gym was possible again, the catering industry has reopened since today. Good news for entrepreneurs and of course visitors! As an entrepreneur, you naturally try to do everything you can to take the right measures so that your restaurant, cafe or gym can be visited in a safe and comfortable way.

    By measuring air quality in indoor spaces with a CO2 meter, you know when you need to ventilate. You can therefore counteract a too high CO2 content, which makes it easier to transfer virus particles. This allows you to reduce the risk of corona contamination of your guests. 

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  • Technoline WL1030, best tested!
    June 3, 2021

    Technoline WL1030, best tested!

    Our technoline WL 1030 came out as test winner in the test "CO2 measuring equipment and traffic lights" by Stiftung Warentest (published on February 4, 2021).

    High CO2 levels in the air reduce concentration and performance. Regular and timely ventilation is recommended to improve the indoor climate and maintain health. According to Stiftung Warentest, the test winner "technoline WL 1030" offers accurate readings using a powerful NDIR gas sensor with CO2 measurement and a calibration function for personal adjustment.

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  • The solution against the spread of the coronavirus: a co2 meter
    June 3, 2021

    The solution against the spread of the coronavirus: a co2 meter

    In the fight against the coronavirus, having fresh air is an important weapon. In fresh air, or air with a high quality, moisture droplets that may contain virus particles are less able to accumulate and spread. This reduces the chance of infection.

    In addition, poor air quality leads to physical complaints such as headaches, reduced concentration and fatigue. Good air quality is therefore important, but how do you measure this? We explain that to you!

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  • Corona, Covid19 ventilating and measuring CO2, what about that?
    June 2, 2021

    CO2, ventilation and Corona... what about this?

    In the meantime, we are familiar with the general measures to prevent Corona infections: Keeping distance, wearing a mouth mask and washing hands.
    But what is not always talked about is importance of a good ventilation and the CO2 level in the air. So what exactly is that? What is the relationship between CO2 level and health? 
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