Wall clock / Table clock large clear numbers - Date & Day indication - Temperature - Technoline WS 8130
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This beautiful clock can be hung on the wall or placed on the table.
The numbers are large and clearly legible, as are the date, day of the week and temperature.
Easy to set up via 3 large buttons on the back.
Due to the light sensor, the clock will automatically dim slightly at night, but it is still easy to read.
Ideal for visually impaired or elderly people.
- Date and weekday display (3 languages)
- Indoor temperature display
- Light sensor to dim the display when it's dark
- Permanent lighting only with adapter
- Large display
- Clear figures
- Easy to set up with 3 buttons
- Wall mounting or table mounting
Technical data:
- Dimensions (WxHxD): 368 x 158 x 40 mm
- Power supply: AC adapter (included)
- 2x AA LR06 (not included)